Accademia Tutoring is a business offering tuition to GCSE and A-Level students (typically aged between 13-18). They currently focus on the core subjects of English (Language and Literature), Maths, Science (Biology, Physics and Chemistry), Geography, History and ICT. The business has recently started to hire tutors to work under the Accademia Tutoring name.

What did they need?

With the business growing, the owner decided it was time to give the business a more professional look. This meant designing a new logo and brand identity. Due to further Tutors being employed, a consistent look also needed to be created in order to promote uniformity across all tutors who worked under the Accademia Tutoring name.

What did I use?

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

What did I do?

  • Designed a logo

  • Created a visual identity


With a love for the city of Venice in Italy - the owner named the business Accademia Tutoring after the famous Venetian bridge Ponte dell’ Accademia (Accademia Bridge). The name of the business also acts as a metaphor, with Accademia Tutoring being the ‘bridge’ between students and tutors.


Type: When designing this logo I was keen to maintain the reference to the Accademia Bridge for which the company shares its name. With its applications spanning Accademia’s marketing materials and stationary along side their website and presentation themes - I decided to go with a combination mark bearing the name as well as an illustration. 

Design: I started by researching the look of the Accademia Bridge to see whether there were any specific design elements I could include. This led me to three main areas I could potentially focus on - firstly the structural makeup, secondly the bridge viewed from the front, and lastly the bridge viewed from the side. In wanting to maintain a minimal and professional feel, I decided the structural makeup designs were too detailed and busy to use. Following some further sketches, I made the decision that a design focused on a front view of the bridge would provide a symmetrical and versatile design.

Accademia - Logo disp.png
Exercise book


Colours: Being a tutoring business, Accademia Tutoring look to play a big part in their students’ journey towards a bright future. I therefore decided to use a bright colour (yellow) to represent this. When looking for a suitable colour to offset the brightness of the yellow, I chose to use a desaturated blue to give a high-quality/professional feel to the overall brand.

AT - Colours.png

Typeface: The Accademia Tutoring brand uses the font Century Gothic. Being a tutoring business, I though it was important to use a font which was clear and easy to read in print (e.g. for resources). I also wanted to make sure the font communicated professionalism, instilling confidence in parents that Accademia Tutoring are a trusted and effective partner in support of their child’s education.

AT - Typeface.png

Hopworks Brewing Co.